The Florida Animal Control Association supports and encourages its members to be prepared to render assistance and expertise to the citizens of Florida as provided for in Florida State Statutes, Chapter 252.35 Emergency Management Powers; Division of Emergency Management, Emergency Support Function (ESF)17: Animal Protection.

Each member of FACA should be prepared to assist the local ESF– 17 Coordinator in animal protection activities for both small and large animals to include emergency medical care, emergency disease control, evacuation, rescue, temporary confinement, shelter, food and water, identification for return to the owner, and disposal of dead animals.

FACA member agencies should have personnel trained in disaster planning, preparation, and post-disaster operations. When a large-scale disaster occurs in the state of Florida, there will be hundreds and perhaps thousands of animals that become victims of the disaster. The protection of animals prior to, during, and after a major disaster such as a hurricane, will require the cooperative efforts of many organizations and individual volunteers.

The Florida Animal Control Association believes member agencies should engage in mutual aid agreements within the state to provide for the animal victims of disasters. Additionally, FACA believes county ESF-17 coordinators must have an assigned position in the county Emergency Operations Center in order to more effectively carry out ESF-17 responsibilities.