FACA Awards

The Florida Animal Control Association, DBA Florida Animal Protection and Advocacy Association is very proud of the excellence within our membership.  

The nomination period is currently OPEN for 2023.  Nominations will be accepted until 5:00PM on December 31st, 2023. 

To apply, please visit the page for the category you wish to nominate for the instructions and category requirements. 


Check out our previous award winners!


FACA’s “Outstanding Agency of the Year” Award

FACA’s “Animal Control Officer of the Year” Award

FACA’s “Employee of the Year” Award

FACA’s “Supervisor of the Year” Award

FACA’s “Volunteer of the Year” Award

FACA’s “Cooperative Team Achievement” Award

FACA’s Lifetime Achievement Award

FACA’s Legislative “Animal Ally” Award

FACA’s “Sentinel” Award